Exposure Assessment and Decision Analysis Preparation Course
- Making Accurate Exposure Risk Decisions (AIHA, 2022)
- Accurate exposure risk decisions are critical to risk management programs that protect workers and optimize the use of limited resources. This video series will teach you a basic understanding of the properties of lognormally distributed exposure profiles and how to use traditional and Bayesian statistical analysis tools to make accurate exposure risk decisions based on monitoring data. The use of several freely available statistical tools will be demonstrated using multiple examples. Upon completion of the webinar video series, you will have the knowledge needed for the successful completion of the exam for the AIHA Exposure Decision Analysis Registry.
- Accurate exposure risk decisions are critical to risk management programs that protect workers and optimize the use of limited resources. This video series will teach you a basic understanding of the properties of lognormally distributed exposure profiles and how to use traditional and Bayesian statistical analysis tools to make accurate exposure risk decisions based on monitoring data. The use of several freely available statistical tools will be demonstrated using multiple examples. Upon completion of the webinar video series, you will have the knowledge needed for the successful completion of the exam for the AIHA Exposure Decision Analysis Registry.
Exposure Assessment and Decision Analysis References
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- Walker, K.D., Macintosh, D., and Evans, J.S.: Use of expert judgment in exposure assessment: Part I. Characterization of personal exposure to benzene. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology,, 11: 308– 322, 2001.
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Heurists, Biases, and Decision Making
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