Why Hire/Train/Encourage an SDS Registered Professional (SDSRP)?

Growing and protecting your business involves gaining a market edge by employing highly skilled workers and instilling customer confidence. SDSRPs are in high demand as workplace safety, product safety, and product stewardship become increasingly complex.

A recent survey of SDSRPs revealed interesting trends in the SDS credentialed community:

Did you know?

  • 10% of current SDSRPTM survey respondents reported that their employers require employees to pass AIHA Registry Programs SDS and Label Authoring Competency Assessment
  • 40% of respondents reported that their employers encourage employees to obtain the SDSRPTM credential but currently do not require it
  • 92% of respondents reported that they use their SDSRP credential in a professional capacity (signature block, LinkedIn, CV, resume, webpage, bio, etc.)
  • 12% of SDSRPs are located in Canada, four (4) are located in India, one (1) in Great Britain, and one (1) in the Netherlands

The Benefits: In their own words

Below are testimonials from a recent survey that highlight the credential's impact on companies/employers:

Consistency and competency is vital when authoring regulatory documents. Passing the registry exam ensures that our authors possess the knowledge and understanding to provide consistently high quality SDSs. Many of our large customers are familiar with the registry, and having credentialed authors further validates our credibility and helps make us an attractive partner. ~ Pace Analytical Regulatory Services

As an owner of a consulting firm that specializes in chemical regulatory compliance, including hazard communication, I believe the SDSRP credential is important to our business. Having authors with demonstrated knowledge makes our clients more confident in their choice of authoring firms. We see this as an important selling point and an internal demonstration of quality assurance. ~ IHSC, LLC

Learn more about The Benefits of Understanding Safety Data Sheets for the Industrial Hygienist

If you would like to be contacted by AIHA Registry Programs' staff, please fill out this Information Request Form or email registries@aiha.org.